Nobody Owns the Moon, based on Tohby Riddle's children's book of the same name explored the role of theatre in preserving 'nature' within city life. Developed in a series of workshops with young people at Shopfront Youth Arts, the performance followed the stories of human - animals living in the city and their experience of spending the night together at the theatre. The performance gave participants and characters the opportunity to develop connections with one another and deepen their sense of belonging to their town. 
fabulous - an amazing achievement in a week, great creativity, but in a structured environment.”

”Congratulations - A fantastic production. Thankyou for bringing the children out of themselves, giving the confidence to express themselves so clearly.”

”Wonderful to see how much the kids enjoyed themselves and how confidently they delivered the performance. Thankyou!”

”Wonderful show - can’t wait for the next one!”

”I think it was really good and humorous or however you spell it so yeah, I wish to be part of it next time: Sibelle
— Audience feedback from development showings
Video of young participants password protected